
             The Indian Army is the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces and the land based branch. It was created in 15 Aug 1947. It is part of ministry defense. As the world's largest standing volunteer army it has the 1,129,900 active employee and 960,000 reserve employee.
            The major of the Indian Army is to ensure the national security and defense of the Republic of India from external aggression and maintaining peace and security within its border. The Indian Army also perform the humanitarian rescue operations during natural disturbances. Commander-in-Chief of the Army is the president of India. The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), a General, is a four star commander and commands the army.
             The Indian Army came into being when India gained independence in 1947, and inherited most of the infrastructure of the British Indian Army that were located in post-partition India. It is a voluntary service and although a provision for military conscription exists in the Indian constitution, it has never been imposed. Since independence, the army has been involved in four wars with neighboring Pakistan and one with the People's Republic of China. Other major operations undertaken by the army include Operation Vijay, Operation Meghdoot and Operation Cactus. Apart from conflicts, the army has also been an active participant in United Nations peacekeeping missions.


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Shivaay Aakash said...

Intresting blog...